Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ponte Vedra family works to end MS for daughter, others: 'It's up to ...

A New York-based foundation with family ties in Ponte Vedra Beach has donated $1 million to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society?s research campaign.

The Donald C. McGraw Foundation gift stemmed from the MS diagnosis received 18 months ago by 28-year-old Erin McGraw, daughter of Josh and Sacha McGraw, all of Ponte Vedra, said Sara Conrad, spokeswoman for the society?s North Florida Chapter.

Josh McGraw and his Massachusetts-based brother, Robin McGraw, who was already a society supporter, decided to use the family foundation?s resources to help the cause, specifically the NOW Campaign. NOW is the society?s initiative to raise $250 million to fund every viable option in MS research and treatment.

?When we read about the NOW Campaign, it seemed the society was focused and understood how every dollar could be used as efficiently as possible,? Josh McGraw said. ?They will target the research areas with the greatest opportunity for success.?

Erin McGraw ?is doing well thanks to the wide variety of treatments available to people living with MS,? Conrad said.

Her family has taken leadership roles in the society in her honor.

Robin McGraw had been involved in the society through the Bike MS fundraiser and as a trustee of the National MS Society?s Greater New England Chapter. His motivation stemmed from a ?dear friend? who had MS, as well as his career as a paramedic and his love of cycling, Conrad said. After Erin McGraw?s diagnosis, he also joined the MS NOW Cabinet and travels across the country speaking to prospective donors.

Other family members have participated in several events, raising about $12,000 for research and chapter programs.

?It?s up to all of us to do as much as we can to find an answer,? Sacha McGraw said.

Corrina Steiger, North Florida chapter president, said she hopes the McGraw gift encourages others to join the movement.

?We are so grateful for this donation and impressed with this family?s leadership and passion toward finding a cure,? she said. ?The donation will have a remarkable impact on future research initiatives and bring us a huge step closer to a world free of MS.?

The foundation is named after Josh and Robin McGraw?s father, Donald C. McGraw Jr., who died in 2006. He was a World War II Navy veteran and an executive with McGraw-Hill, founded by his grandfather, James McGraw.

An earlier foundation gift made possible a Community Hospice in-patient unit to serve south Jacksonville, the Beaches and northeast St. Johns County. The new 16-bed, 23,000-square-foot facility on the Mayo Clinic campus was named the Anne and Donald McGraw Center of Caring to memorialize Josh and Robin McGraw?s parents, according to 2007 Times-Union articles.

Beth Reese Cravey: (904) 359-4109


The North Florida Chapter offers year-round programs for the 18,000 North Florida residents affected by MS. Funds raised by annual events such as Walk MS, Bike MS and MuckRuckus MS contribute to national research, programs and services. For more information call (904) 332-6810 or (800) 344-4867, email or go to


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Surface interest, Win 8 caution on release day

2 hrs.

U.S. shoppers woke up with mild Surface fever on Friday, lining up in moderate numbers to buy Microsoft's groundbreaking tablet computer designed to challenge Apple's iPad.

The global debut of the Windows 8 operating system was greeted with pockets of enthusiasm, but not the mania reserved for some previous Apple launches.

Microsoft is positioning the slick new computing device, which runs a limited version of Windows and Office with a thin, click-on keyboard cover, as a perfect combination of PC and tablet that is good for work as well as entertainment.

"I like the flexibility of having the keyboard and the touch capability," said Mike Gipe, 50, who works in sales for bank Barclays, and was planning to buy a Surface tablet at Microsoft's pop-up store in Times Square in New York.

"It's the combination of having the consumer stuff and the work stuff," he said, looking forward to using Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations on the new device.

The Times Square store was the first to sell the Surface???Microsoft's first ever own-brand computer???and other Windows 8 devices late on Thursday and will be open through the holiday shopping season. On Friday morning it was crowded with a mix of tourists and local office workers, but the cash tills were not jammed.

"With the other tablets you're a consumer. With this you can have input," said Peter Townsend, on vacation in New York from Australia with his wife, who bought a Surface tablet because he liked the keyboard.

Mark Pauluch, 28, who works for a New York private equity firm, said he would like a Surface because he does not want to take a laptop on a plane, but was disappointed when the sales representative told him the wifi-only Surface would not work with Cisco VPN networking.

"I can't use this to replace my work laptop unless it supports VPN," he said.

Elsewhere in the United States, there was solid but not overwhelming interest for the Surface.

"It's a good tablet. I am not a huge i-anything fan, I like Windows," said Matt Shanahan, a software developer who drove four hours to the tiny Michigan Avenue pop-up store in Chicago from Grand Rapids, Michigan to buy a Surface. "My friend and I are software developers and this gives us an opportunity to develop new apps," he said.

In a pop-up store at the San Francisco Centre mall about 50 people lined up to buy the new Surface.

"On an iPad you have to use half the screen for a keyboard, or buy an accessory. I love that the Surface is so integrated, that you can type and use Word and all my other programs," said Malte von Sehested, a textbook creator who bought a Surface.

"With the Surface you get a steeper learning curve???I had to get someone to show me how to side-swipe, swipe out to get the menus for instance," he said. "It may take a week, before it all becomes natural. That could be a problem for Microsoft. My old dad, he would get hit by that steeper learning curve."

Wall Street and tech industry experts failed to show great enthusiasm for Windows 8, but were prepared to give Microsoft time to succeed.

"Microsoft did not come out with Windows 8 thinking it will be an overnight success," said Daniel Ives, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets. "But there's hope that this could be the silver bullet of growth (for Microsoft) as well as giving the PC industry some optimism that there's better days ahead."

The next six to 12 months is a "crucial period" for Microsoft to get traction with consumers, added Ives.

Sarah Rotman Epps, an analyst at tech research firm Forrester, said consumers may be best served waiting for tablets running the full Windows 8 Pro and Intel chips, which are due out early next year.

"Windows 8 has a lot of great features, but RT has a long way to go," she said, citing a lack of apps and poor video performance on the Surface.

"It's not really a PC. RT is too restricted. Some people will be happier with the full Windows 8," she said.

(Reporting By Nivedita Bhattacharjee in Chicago, Sinead Carew and Nicola Leske in New York, Edwin Chan in San Francisco; Editing by Alden Bentley)?

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:?


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Demystifying Foster Care,

Demystifying Foster Care

There are more children in the Larimer and Weld county foster care programs than there are families to care for them. As a result, many of these children have to go to group homes or stay in other parts of Colorado.?Foster parenting, is?not?a lifetime commitment to a child, but a commitment to be meaningful to a child?s life when they need it most.

The Larimer and Weld county foster care programs provide training, certification, and help for family foster care providers. Foster home families provide temporary substitute care for children, ages 0 through 18, who have been removed from their families due to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect, or if the parent is otherwise unavailable. Foster parents offer day-to-day care and guidance until the child can be reunited with his or her birth family, move to a kinship family or permanent adoptive home, or emancipate. Caseworkers work closely with foster parents to identify and meet the special needs of the child(ren). The children are covered by Medicaid insurance and the foster parents are given a monthly stipend to help reimburse the cost of their care.

Larimer County

Weld County

Baby Karyn and the Martineau Family

James and Sheri have been married for 19 years. ?Their story started in college where they met and fell in love. ?They married after graduation and started a family which has grown to 8 children, ages 1 to 16. ?Before becoming a homeschool mom, Sheri was a Speech-Language Pathologist and a Special Education teacher. ?James supports his family by working hard at a local clinic as a Nurse Practitioner. ?As a little girl, Sheri had dreams about adopting children with special needs. ?These dreams have stayed in her heart until now. ?They have decided to obey James 1:27 by welcoming a child with Down syndrome into their family. ? They have been earnestly seeking the Lord about when to adopt, and this little girl is the one their family has been waiting for. ?They are calling prayer warriors to pray for the adoption process, the funds to pay for everything, and most importantly for their little girl.

The Martineau?s travel to Karyn?s country on November 7, but have only $420 donated toward the cost of their adoption. Let?s bless this family and this beautiful little girl. You can give any amount to their adoption fund on Reece?s Rainbow, an international Down Syndrome adoption ministry. All donations are tax deductible.

Click here to help bring Karyn home!

Focus on the Family Adoption and Orphan Care Initiative

Most people simply do not realize America has orphans because we do not have orphanages. But did you know that there are approximately?104,000 legal orphans waiting in foster care for adoptive families to call their own??Given the number of churches throughout the U.S., every waiting child could have a family if less than one family per church opened their home and hearts.

Focus on the Family works collaboratively with state, county, church, and adoption agency leaders to help find families for waiting children and youth in foster care. ?In addition to recruiting families, we are also committed to providing best-in-class resources for foster and adoptive families.

Learn how you can make a difference

We Want To Hear From You!

Do you have a story to share about adoption, infertility, foster care or orphan care? Are you adopting or know someone who is? Do you know of a ministry or orphan-related event that we should connect with or feature? We want to hear from you! Please contact us at? let us know.

And as always, please help get the word out about the Rez Orphan Care Ministry!


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White House told of Libyan attack claim Sept. 11

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Two hours after the U.S. Consulate came under attack in Benghazi, Libya, the White House was told that a militant group was claiming responsibility for the violence that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

A State Department email sent to intelligence officials and the White House situation room said the Islamist group Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter, and also called for an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

The document may fuel Republican efforts to show that the White House knew it was a terrorist attack, even as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was saying ? five days afterward ? that it appeared to be a protest gone awry.

The Obama administration's account of the Benghazi events has become a campaign issue, with Republican challenger Mitt Romney and GOP lawmakers accusing the White House of misleading Americans about the nature of the attack. But militant groups often surface after such attacks claiming responsibility and it's difficult to immediately verify such claims.

The Associated Press and other news organizations obtained the unclassified email and two related emails from government officials who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about them publicly.

The House and Senate committees that oversee intelligence received a raft of documents from the Office of Director of National Intelligence on Monday, two congressional aides said. Congressional staffers combing through the documents have found a kaleidoscope of sometimes conflicting intelligence, backing up much of what intelligence officials explained over the past several weeks.

But members of both committees are still complaining that the original briefing they were given just after the Tuesday, Sept. 11 attack, differed markedly from the explanation the CIA director David Petraeus gave them by the end of that week. In that first briefing, just 12 hours after consulate was burned down, the intelligence committees received a report that it was a military style assault, but just days later, Petraeus stressed that militants had infiltrated a mob, a U.S. official said.

U.S. intelligence officials have said Petraeus outlined that extremists were believed to be in the crowd, and carried out the attack, and also stressed the picture was still evolving.

A U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday that it was "clear from the outset that a group of people gathered that evening" but that it took until the week after the attack to determine "whether extremists took over a crowd or if the guys who showed up were all militants." The official said the briefing included the analysis that the "attacks that appeared spontaneous," but also mentioned possible links to regional al-Qaida groups.

Meanwhile, the Tunisian government said it has arrested a 28-year-old Tunisian linked to the U.S. Consulate attack. Interior Ministry spokesman Tarrouch Khaled said Wednesday that the suspect, Ali Harzi, was in custody in Tunis. Khaled told the AP "his case is in the hands of justice," but did not elaborate.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that the review board she appointed to investigate the attack is "looking at everything," rather than "cherry picking one story here or one document there."

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the emails represented just one piece of information the administration was receiving at the time.

"There were emails about all sorts of information that was becoming available in the aftermath of the attack," Carney said. "The whole point of an intelligence community and what they do is to assess strands of information and make judgments about what happened and who is responsible."

Carney, traveling with President Barack Obama Wednesday on Air Force One, said the emails were unclassified and referred to assertions made on a social media site.

There were a series of three emails sent by State Department officials in Washington as events unfolded on Sept. 11. Among the recipients was the White House situation room.

The first email said that the State Department's regional security officer reported the mission in Benghazi was under attack, and that "20 armed people fired shots." It said that Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack, was in Benghazi, and that Stevens and four others were in the compound's safe haven.

Forty-nine minutes later, an email said that the firing at the consulate "has stopped and the compound has been cleared," while a response team was attempting to locate people.

The next message, one hour and 13 minutes after the second and some two hours after the attack began, a message reported that Ansar-al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the attack.

"Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Faceboook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli," it said.

Nearly six hours after the initial attack, a State Department memo said the shelter location for the Americans was receiving mortar fire and "there are reports of injuries."

Ansar al-Sharia bragged to members of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb that it was responsible for the attack, according to recordings of phone calls intercepted by U.S. intelligence. But the group has publicly denied having anything to do with the attack.

Clinton, speaking to reporters at the State Department, said, "You know, posting something on Facebook is not in and of itself evidence and I think it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued some time to be."

She added, "What I keep in mind is that four brave Americans were killed and we will find out what happened, we will take whatever measures are necessary to fix anything that needs to be fixed and we will bring those to justice who committed these murders."


Associated Press writers Matthew Lee and Kimberly Dozier contributed to this story.

Follow Larry Margasak on Twitter at


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

What's Important in the Financial World (10/17/2012) - 24/7 Wall St.

Spain on the Cusp

Spain is on the cusp of something, but no one seems to know for sure what it is. The country received good news from Moody?s that kept Spain?s sovereign paper rating at investment grade. That had not calmed speculation the country will ask for aid from the European Central Bank to buy its paper and bring down bond yields. But that help would come with strings attached, unless the assistance comes in the form of a line of credit (maybe). The European Union would have to help Spain set a budget and then watch over it, or at least that is what powerhouse Germany would like. Some experts say Spain wants to avoid that fate and will try to finance its trouble on its own. Every other hour there is news that Madrid will plead for help or it won?t. According to Reuters:

A senior EU official said momentum has increased as resistance to the plan has fallen off in Germany, which has for weeks urged Madrid not to make the request. The official cautioned a formal application could still be weeks away.

?They are moving to a request, yet it may not happen today or tomorrow or this week,? said the official. ?Germany?s moving and the timeline will depend on the Greek saga.?

Reading IBM, Intel Results

Analysts continue to sift through the earnings reports from International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE: IBM) and Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC). Each released relatively weak results for the most recent quarter. The fates of their share prices probably were spared because the numbers ?beat expectations.? But that does not tell what the actual states of the information technology or PC businesses are. The data from the two companies would tend to indicate that the economic slowdown has hit consumer and enterprise buyers alike. If so, the step toward a recession and the fiscal cliff have become more widespread than many analysts expect. A person will not buy a $500 PC and a company will not use IBM consulting services. The effects of the economy could hardly be broader than that. IBM management did admit that its sales problems were not isolated. The Wall Street Journal reports:

?We did start off the first two months of the quarter on a stronger trajectory than we saw for the full quarter,? Chief Financial Officer Mark Loughridge said, noting a ?handful of deals? in the software business ?fell out of the quarter? and into the current period.

The iPad Mini Is Coming

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) apparently is about to have another in a series of very public product announcements that stretch back over all of the years when Steve Jobs ran the company. As the number of announcements has increased, their impact has slipped. Apple management will show up for the most modest product releases. The latest new device from Apple will be a smaller iPad, something to compete with the Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) Kindle apparently. The Daily Titan reports:

Apple has all but confirmed the existence of the iPad Mini, with an event announced to take place Oct. 23 in Silicon Valley.

The current rumors pin the tablet to be between seven and eight inches in screen size, with the resolution expected to fall short of the ?retina display? caliber found in the current 10-inch iPad.

Observers in the tech community also predict that the price will fall in the $300 range to compete with the bestselling seven-inch tablets from Amazon and Google.

Douglas A. McIntyre


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Brightway Insurance Announces Major Incentive ... -

Seeking Business Opportunities

October 17, 2012 // // JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Brightway Insurance, a leading national independent insurance retailer with stores nationwide, is recognizing that the capabilities of military veterans translate to the business world by offering 100 percent financing of the franchise fee for qualified veterans. The company usually offers qualified individuals 50 percent financing of the franchise fee.

?Military veterans have the fortitude, integrity and work ethic to get the job done, whether serving our country or creating successful outcomes in the private sector,? said David Miller, CEO of Brightway Insurance. ?As we approach Veterans Day, this is a fitting way of recognizing their service and it's a good business decision because veterans have exceptional talents.?

Brightway has several existing franchisees who are veterans, including Bobby Fazio, who served four years in the Navy from 1989 to 1993.

?My military experience continues to prove beneficial in all aspects of my life, including my career as an insurance agent,? said Bobby Fazio, agency owner, Brightway Insurance in San Antonio. ?My training has given me an internal drive to not only survive the fierce competitiveness of our industry, but to be committed to win without sacrificing the integrity of my core values.?

Brightway Insurance, with more than 100 stores in multiple states, offers a broad range of coverage for home, automobile, business and life insurance policies as well as policies for recreational vehicles, vacation homes and more.

About Brightway Insurance

Founded in 2003, Brightway Insurance has become a leading national independent insurance retailer. The company?s focus on creating the ?ideal customer experience? has resulted in an industry-leading customer retention rate of 93 percent and increasing growth. From 2010 to 2011, sales grew from $108 million to $168 million and are expected to reach $240 million by the end of 2012. Brightway Insurance is already an Inc. 500|5000 Fastest Growing Company, making the list for the last five consecutive years. Supporting this growth is the fact that since its founding, 94 percent of individual agency owners are still in successful operation to this day. For the previous three years, Florida Trend has ranked Brightway Insurance on its list of the top 100 ?Florida?s Best Companies to Work For,? and in 2012, Trend also recognized Brightway as one of the top 350 companies, in the state, in terms of revenue. For more information, visit or call 888-254-5014.


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Time Management and Working to Succeed | Self improvement tips ...

Time management is the process of working to succeed. When you are working to succeed, you are reaching your goals. Another way to look it is the popular phrase ?begin with the end in mind.? Sometimes it is difficult when times are constantly changing and problems get in you way, so it is important to decide which plan works for you as well as understanding that life has its ups and downs. It is also important to honestly evaluate your current situation and then decide in which direction you wish to move.

When you are planning to reach goals, sit down and really ponder on what is needed to reach your goal. Write down your goal and then write down the very next thing that you could do to take action towards that goal. By knowing what your very next step is going to be, you will be amazed at how many things can get done and move you forward on your path to success.

There are different ways to approach time management and goal setting. Some prefer to set short-term goals, reach that goal and then go for a long-term goal. Others prefer to set short and long-term goals in the same time management system in an effort to reach both goals accordingly. One of the best tools provided to me in time management or rather business planning, is role-playing. Set your goals and then

play out parts in your head and create strategies for how you would like to see the plan carried out and also think of contingencies for how the steps might change along the way. This works better for some people than others, so try it out and at least make it a tool for your ?toolbox of time management techniques.? This time management technique can also help you keep grounded in reality by practicing how you react to situations and to develop a more proactive approach in your habits.

When working to succeed, your success is something that you alone measure. How you view success will affect how you react to others and situations. After all, how we view the world is a reflection of how we view ourselves. No one is born a successful leader, a sales person, an athlete or an engineer. These things require training and development of skills and habits. Your path to success will be the same so keep your eye on the goal, make sure it?s the right goal and use effective management of your time to clear your path to success.

Dave Saunders is a professional lecturer, and successful entrepreneur. He enjoys creating interconnections through his writings and lectures to help others create context and see new discoveries and technologies in more a practical light. You can find more time management at

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Analysis: Sprint-Softbank deal's big on size, small on change

NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - It's this year's biggest technology acquisition and the largest outbound deal in Japan's history. But game-changing, it is not.

Softbank Corp's pricey $20 billion bid to buy control of No. 3 U.S. telecoms company Sprint Nextel Corp marks a bold move by billionaire CEO Masayoshi Son beyond his flagging home market. Some analysts say it hands the U.S. company much-needed firepower to buy peers and build out high-speed networks.

But if Son succeeds, Sprint will still struggle to win customers in a market dominated by the twin towers of the U.S. mobile landscape - Verizon Communications Inc and AT&T Inc - while T-Mobile and MetroPCS Communications Inc move to team up. That market dynamic will persist, analysts say.

Son, an unusually aggressive risk-taker in a cautious Japanese corporate culture who brought the iPhone to Japan, may still have more surprises up his sleeve, but analysts do not believe that the Sprint deal by itself can undermine the two U.S. market leaders' virtually unassailable position.

"Getting the technology out there is just getting you to the table," said Phillip Redman, analyst at research firm Gartner.

It will take more than the iPhone and a technology upgrade to improve Sprint's position, he said. Its brand value had dropped despite good work-around plans and pricing, partly because of its weak competitive position.

Under the agreement - which awaits regulatory and shareholder approval - Softbank will buy about 70 percent of Sprint Nextel for $20.1 billion.

Combined, the two will have 96 million users. But that includes Japanese subscribers and lags the almost 108 million subscribers Verizon had in 2011 and AT&T's more than 103 million, according to data from IHS iSuppli.

"It doesn't change the landscape too much, in that this deal doesn't eliminate a competitor," Todd Rethemeier at Hudson Square said.


Sprint is going through a $7 billion upgrade of one of its networks, while closing its Nextel iDen network, which makes Softbank's capital especially useful.

The deal fuelled investor hopes for a further boost to network construction: on Monday, shares in cellphone tower equipment makers Crown Castle International Corp and American Tower Corp gained about 4 percent on optimism that a richer Sprint may spend more on fourth-generation gear.

But analysts say don't count on a sustained windfall in telecoms spending with infrastructure buildouts already in progress and factored into stock prices.

In Sprint's case, some analysts say Wall Street did not doubt that the company could have bankrolled the project somehow over the years it would take, even without a Softbank deal.

To be sure, many on Wall Street like the progress that Sprint has made in a years-long turnaround effort, with some pointing out novel data plans, for instance, that have helped to stanch customer losses and kept them in the game.

"Right now it's not clear to me why this is a fantastic thing for Sprint shareholders," said independent telecoms consultant John Jackson of the Softbank announcement. "Getting access to lots of money is not a strategy in itself."

"It's hard to see this having a significant impact on Verizon and AT&T," he added. "It looks like Sprint finally has a handle on their destiny. And then they go and do this."

The primary gain for cash-strapped Sprint will be the short-term infusion of funds as it struggles to whittle down debt. CEO Dan Hesse acknowledged the financial challenges it has faced - which the new capital could fix quickly.

"Aside from additional liquidity, however, from an operational perspective little changes by virtue of having a new controlling shareholder and less leverage," Bernstein Research's Craig Moffet said in a note.

Other analysts say Sprint may employ its refilled coffers in acquisitions, including of partner Clearwire Corp , which owns wireless spectrum it needs.

But what's harder to fix with cash is Sprint's inherent disadvantage vis-a-vis its two bigger rivals.

"You can't throw money at the problem," Rethemeier said.

An alliance with Softbank could give it more leverage when dealing with Apple Inc , and negotiating the hefty subsidies that have eroded its bottom line. But some analysts say it's hard to argue with AT&T's and Verizon's numbers over the longer term.

"The market is largely saturated. Growth is going to come from stealing customers from AT&T and Verizon," said Forrester analyst Charles Golvin. "If T-Mobile and MetroPCS happens, they will be vying for customers from AT&T and Verizon as well."

(Editing by Edmund Klamann)


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Re: FTM 2010 - Index view of people - A question??? - Family Tree ...

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Obama embraces economic record in new commercial

Stand-ins for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, and President Barack Obama, right, run through a rehearsal with moderator Candy Crowley, back to camera, ahead of Tuesday's presidential debate, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Stand-ins for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, and President Barack Obama, right, run through a rehearsal with moderator Candy Crowley, back to camera, ahead of Tuesday's presidential debate, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. shakes hands with supporters following a campaign rally, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012, at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)

A worker looks out from a cut-out in the set as stand-ins for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, and President Barack Obama, left, run through a rehearsal ahead of Tuesday's presidential debate, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? With the economy showing some signs of improvement three weeks before Election Day, President Barack Obama on Monday laid down a full embrace of the economic record many Republicans say is his biggest weakness.

The president's first act in this critical campaign week was to announce a new battleground state advertisement featuring voters discussing the ways their economic conditions have improved during his term. The ad was hitting the airwaves as Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney huddled in intense preparation for their second debate as polls show a closely fought campaign.

"This race is tied," Obama said in an appeal to supporters asking them to donate at least $5 to his re-election effort. He promised to be "fighting" for the election on the debate stage Tuesday night ? something many of his supporters thought he did too little of in his first face-off with Romney.

Early voting is under way in dozens of states, giving the candidates little chance to recover from any slip-ups that come in these final days. Obama has been trying to get his supporters to lock in their choice now, and his campaign announced Monday that he and his wife, Michelle, would become the first president and first lady to cast their ballots early.

Obama planned to vote early during a visit to his home state of Illinois next week, while Michelle Obama told a rally in Delaware, Ohio, that she dropped her absentee ballot in the mail Monday. "For me, it was Election Day," she said.

Even as polls show the race tightening nationally and in battleground states, Obama's campaign aides say they are encouraged by public and private surveys showing voters growing more confident about the direction of the economy. Those trends are behind the new 30-second spot the campaign is running in Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and Virginia.

"Stick with this guy," a gravelly voiced man says at the end of the commercial in a point Obama hopes wavering voters will embrace. A second ad targeted at Ohio voters features former astronaut and Sen. John Glenn touting Obama's character and economic record.

Aides argue that some voters got a psychological boost when the unemployment rate fell below 8 percent last month for the first time since Obama's inauguration. But the campaign says it puts more stock in economic indicators showing an increase in consumer confidence and retail spending, which indicate shifts in voter behavior.

Retail sales rose 1.1 percent last month, the Commerce Department said Monday. That followed a 1.2 percent increase in August, which was revised slightly higher. Both were the largest gains since October 2010.

Still, with millions of Americans still out of work, the campaign is trying to walk a fine line between touting economic gains and acknowledging that many voters are still struggling.

GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan lambasted Obama's handling of the deficit during an appearance Monday in Ryan's home state of Wisconsin. He pointed to a digital scoreboard his campaign set up at the far end of Carroll University's field house that tracked the growth of the nation's deficit in real time.

"Look at how fast those numbers are running," Ryan said. "We know without a shred of doubt that we have consigned the next generation to this path of debt."

He acknowledged that Obama inherited "a tough situation" when he took office but argued the president has only made things worse. He touted Romney's plan to cut taxes by 20 percent across the board as the path back to economic growth.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said the president would seek to run on his economic record, not away from it, during Tuesday's debate.

"He would be happy to spend the entire debate talking about their visions for the middle class," Psaki told reporters gathered in Williamsburg, Va., where Obama and his advisers were in the midst of an intense, three-day "debate camp" at a golf resort.

Obama's campaign, seeking to rebound from a dismal first debate, promised a more energetic president would take the stage Tuesday at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. Romney's team aimed to build on a commanding opening debate that gave the Republican new life in a White House race that had once appeared to be slipping away from him.

"The debate was huge and we've seen our numbers move all across the country," Romney's wife, Ann, said in an interview on Philadelphia radio station WPHT. She talked about the larger crowds her husband has been drawing in the aftermath of that first face-off. "That's what you call momentum," she said.

Much of the pressure in the coming debate will be on Obama, who aides acknowledge showed up at the first face-off with less practice ? and far less energy ? than they had wanted. Romney, who has made no secret of the huge priority his campaign puts on the debates, practiced Monday at a hotel near his home in Massachusetts.

Romney's advisers suggested the Republican nominee would continue to moderate his message ? in tone, if not substance ? as he did in the Oct. 3 meeting to help broaden his appeal to the narrow slice of undecided voters. In recent days, Romney has promised his tax plan would not benefit the wealthy, emphasized his work with Democrats as Massachusetts governor and downplayed plans to curtail women's abortion rights.

Ann Romney focused on the struggles women face in her radio interview. "The numbers don't lie and what the numbers tell us is that more women have been hurt by this economy than men, more women are unemployed, and more women have fallen into poverty in the last four years," she said. "We do hear their voices."

During debate preparations, aides are working on tailoring that message to a debate format. They're also working on balancing aggressive tactics with the debate's town-hall format, which often requires candidates to show a connection with questioners from the audience.

Also Monday, Romney's campaign announced it raised $170.4 million last month with the Republican Party, a little behind Obama's $181 million September haul with the Democratic Party. Romney and the GOP had been raising more money than Obama and the Democrats by mid-summer, but that changed last month. Both candidates are using their millions to expand campaign offices and flood airwaves with television ads in key in the election's final weeks.

Romney's top-flight donors are meeting at New York's tony Waldorf Astoria hotel through Wednesday, getting a chance to mingle with Ryan and attend strategy briefings and policy discussions with senior Romney aides.

The retreat appears to be a scaled-down version of a posh Park City, Utah, gathering this summer for Romney's most generous contributors. There, Romney officials hosted campaign updates and set ambitious fundraising goals for the general election.


Obama ad:


Pickler reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Belmont, Mass., and Jack Gillum and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.


Follow Julie Pace at

Associated Press


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New Leaked iPad mini Photo Reveals Battery Capacity

Two photographs claiming to show Apple's upcoming iPad mini's battery have appeared on the popular Apple news and rumors website, MacRumors.

The alleged iPad mini battery sports a charge capacity of 4490 mAh and runs at 3.72 volts. This gives the iPad mini a 16.7 watt-hour capacity, while the third-generation iPad has a 42.5 watt-hour capacity. While this may deter would-be buyers of the iPad mini due to its lower battery life, do remember that the iPad mini has a smaller screen and will definitely sport a processor that has more efficient power consumption.

While nothing concrete has been announced, it appears Apple is gearing up to launch the iPad mini on 23 October, and this photo leak will only serve to reinforce the rumors of the iPad mini's imminent release.?

Source: MacRumors



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Monday, October 15, 2012

Teen girl shot by Taliban rushed to U.K. for treatment

The 14-year-old Pakistani girl who was targeted and nearly killed by the Taliban for supporting education for girls has been flown to the United Kingdom for medical treatment.

Malala Yousufzai, the schoolgirl whose shooting galvanized an unprecedented wave of condemnation against the Taliban, was transported on an air ambulance donated by the United Arab Emirates early this morning. The flight took off from a military air base in Rawalpindi and made a refueling stop in the UAE before continuing on to the United Kingdom, according to Pakistani military officials.

A senior Pakistani source in the United Kingdom says Malala will be treated at a hospital in Birmingham, England. The Pakistani government has said it will pay for all hospital expenses.

"Last week's barbaric attack on Malala Yousufzai and her school friends shocked Pakistan and the world," a statement from British foreign secretary William Hague said.

"The public revulsion and condemnation of this cowardly attack shows that the people of Pakistan will not be beaten by terrorists. The U.K. stands shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan in its fight against terrorism."

A statement issued by the Pakistani military said she was flown to the United Kingdom to receive treatment for head and neck injuries, and that she requires "long term rehabilitation."

Former British Prime Minister and U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown said in a statement today that he is launching a worldwide petition in support of Yousufzai and every child in Pakistan to receive an education.

"Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban simply because as a girl she wanted to go to school. The petition calls on Pakistan to ensure that every girl like Malala has the chance to go to school and calls on the international community to ensure that all out-of-school children around the world are in education by the deadline for the delivery of the Millennium Development Goals, the end of 2015," Brown said in a statement.

Brown plans on delivering the petition to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari when he visits him next month.

Malala was shot in the head and neck nearly a week ago while on her way home from school in Mingora, a village in the Swat Valley, home to a surge of extremists in 2009 who tried to establish Sharia law before a government offensive rooted them out. The assailant reportedly approached her school bus and asked those on board to identify the young girl. He then shot her and two classmates before fleeing.

Since the shooting, the young girl has been kept under medical sedation and required a ventilator to breathe. Doctors reportedly removed her briefly from the ventilator late Sunday night, after the girl showed a positive response to treatment. Sometime afterwards, her medical team made the decision to fly her abroad.

"It was agreed by the panel of Pakistani doctors and international experts that Malala will require prolonged care to fully recover from the physical and psychological effects of trauma that she has received," the Pakistani military statement said.

Malala, whose father ran a school for years in Mingora, had been facing Taliban threats for years. In 2009, when Taliban militants forced the school to close, she blogged her experiences for BBC Urdu under a pseudonym, shedding light on what it was like for young girls to live under Taliban rule. When the school reopened, Malala continued to speak out, appearing on talk shows and making public appearances demanding that girls in Pakistan have the right to an education.

Her shooting launched an unprecedented outcry, cross-cutting through Pakistan's complex religious and political lines. Political leaders from all parties, even those with historical ties to the Taliban, have condemned the attack. Pakistan's normally reclusive army chief and the country's prime minister have made personal visits to see her in the hospital.

"It's united the entire nation," said Farzani Bari, a women's rights activist.

"Everybody feels the same way. If you can't protect your own children, then what kind of future is there for this country?

Initially, Pakistanis began protesting the attack in small numbers, with sporadic rallies and candlelit vigils attended, in some cases, by just dozens of well-wishers. As news of her attack spread, and politicians began making more forceful condemnations, the numbers quickly swelled.

Tens of thousands took to the streets Sunday in a political rally in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. Young children carried placards with Malala's picture, and Altaf Hussain, the leader of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a key political party in Karachi, referred to her as "the daughter of the nation."

Even Afghan President Hamid Karzai has sent his condolences, writing a public letter to Pakistani political leaders, asking them to do more to rein in terrorists who operate along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

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How to enable Virtualization Technology (VT)

How to enable NX/XD

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No. 7 Notre Dame stops No. 17 Stanford 20-13 in OT

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) ? Notre Dame knew what was coming. Stanford doesn't get cute inches from the goal line.

And after three years of getting pushed around by the Cardinal, the Fighting Irish pushed back, winning the most important shoving match they've had all season.

Or did they?

A wall of Notre Dame defenders stopped Stepfan Taylor inches from the goal line on fourth down in overtime and the seventh-ranked Irish remained unbeaten with a 20-13 victory against the No. 17 Cardinal on a soggy Saturday in South Bend.

Taylor kept reaching and turning with bodies underneath him, and his knee never did hit the ground before reaching the ball across the goal line. But the officials ruled it was too late. The whistle had blown, and that meant the play was stopped.

Taylor finished with 102 yards on 28 carries. He needed 103.

The celebration had to wait for a replay review. The call stood. Irish fans who weren't already on the field spilled out of the stands, and Notre Dame's national title hopes remained alive. The Irish are 6-0 for the first time since 2002.

"Physically, we controlled the line of scrimmage," Irish coach Brian Kelly said of the last play. "Classic. Classic goal line stand."

Stanford coach David Shaw wasn't so sure.

"I didn't get a view of the last play," Shaw said. "Stepfan swore to me that he got it. That he got over the goal line on the second effort. The officials looked at it and said he didn't get in, so he didn't get in."

TJ Jones made a reaching 7-yard touchdown catch from Tommy Rees on the first overtime possession to give the Fighting Irish (6-0) a seven-point lead.

Stanford (4-2) responded by driving to a first-and-goal at the 4.

Behind its big strong offensive line, Taylor ran for 1 on first, 2 on second and inches on third down. That left one play from inside the 1 and the Notre Dame defense, led by Carlos Calabrese, held up Taylor and moved him backward.

"Very good opponent in Stanford, but today Notre Dame was better," Kelly said.

It had been a few years since that was the case. Stanford had won three straight in the series, physically dominating the Irish, with Andrew Luck at the helm.

With Luck gone to the NFL, the Irish stood up to the bullies.

Rees relieved Everett Golson after the sophomore took a helmet to the head during Notre Dame's game-tying field goal drive late in the fourth.

In the overtime, Rees lofted a 16-yard pass to Theo Riddick to convert a third-and-8 to the 7. On the next play, he threw behind Jones on a slant and the receiver reached back for a sliding two-handed catch and a 20-13 lead.

Then the Fighting Irish defense, which has now not given up a touchdown in four straight games, made it stand. Almost half the field was covered with Notre Dame fans, as rain poured down during the postgame celebration. They didn't seem to mind.

Toss another victory into Notre Dame lore.

Jordan Williamson's 27-yard field goal with 6:12 put the Cardinal up 13-10, and the Fighting Irish drove into Cardinal territory when Golson absorbed the helmet hit from Usua Amanam that was flagged for 15 yards.

Golson came out looking shaken and Rees came in. He completed an 11-yard pass to Tyler Eifert, and then on third-and-4 from the 28 Eifert drew a pass interference call on Terrence Brown that gave the Irish a first down at the 13.

The Irish couldn't punch it in and Kyle Brindza kicked a 22-yard field goal with 20 seconds left to tie it at 13.

Two of the nation's best defenses figured to dictate the game on a gray, rainy day and they didn't disappoint.

Notre Dame defensive tackle Stephon Tuitt was in the Stanford backfield all day and Manti Te'o was all over Stanford ball carriers.

On the other side, Shayne Skov and Ben Gardner gave Golson and the Irish very little room to operate.

Golson alternated between scary and spectacular all day, completing 12 of 24 for 141 yards and a touchdown. He also lost two key fumbles ? one that gave Stanford's Chase Thomas recovered in the end zone in the second quarter for a touchdown and the other that gave the Cardinal the ball back after Golson had made a long run deep into Stanford territory.

Josh Nunes had a similar day for Stanford, going 12 for 25 for 125 yards with two interceptions.

The Irish got their offense going in the third quarter, outgaining Stanford 114-19, but couldn't get any points, in part because Golson fumbled inside the Cardinal 20.

Notre Dame finally found the end zone on the first play of the fourth quarter. On a third-and-18 from the 24, Golson lifted a pass to the front corner of the end zone that the 6-foot-6 Eifert came down with for a touchdown and a 10-10 tie.

Nunes, Taylor and the Cardinal responded with their best drive of the game, a methodical 16-play, 65-yard march that took 8:03 off the clock and reached the Notre Dame 3. The Irish got a stop on third down Williamson's 27-yard field goal made it 13-10 with 6:12 left.

The third season under a coach has traditionally been a memorable one at Notre Dame. Frank Leahy, Ara Parseghian, Dan Devine and Lou Holtz all won national titles in Year 3 of coaching the Irish.

Brian Kelly's third season in South Bend was already starting to feel as if it could be special, too. Against Stanford, the Irish raised the stakes even higher.

"Six weeks left with this group, they leave here knowing they can win with the plan," Kelly said.


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Preservation Rehab Loan ? Corn Hill Neighbors Association

Landmark Society 75 Years LogoThe Landmark Society of Western New York and NeighborWorks? Rochester are partnering to help homeowners in City of Rochester Preservation Districts make exterior and interior home improvements by offering construction management services and loans to those who qualify.

The Landmark Society will provide preservation oriented construction management services that include: developing a work plan and rehab specifications, assisting the property owner through the Preservation District Certificate of Appropriateness process, identifying a contractor, as well as support monitoring the construction phase.

The low-interest loans are being offered through NeighborWorks? Rochester. There are no income requirements that homeowners would need to meet to be considered for a Preservation Rehab Loan. NeighborWorks? Rochester will also help interested homeowners ap-ply for a free energy audit through NYSERDA?s Green Jobs Green New York (GJGNY) program. GJGNY energy audits are free to house-holds making less than $137,000.

Who qualifies?NeighborWorks Rochester

There are no income restrictions to be eligible for this home improvement loan program.
Your property must: Be located in a City of Rochester Preservation District. Be owner occupied. Contain a maximum of four residential units.

Contact The Landmark Society to determine if your property is located in a Preservation District.?

Larry Francer
Associate Director of Preservation
585.546.7029 x14

Caitlin Meives?
Preservation Planner
585.546.7029 x27

570 South Avenue Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 325-4170
Fax (585) 325-2587

The Landmark Society of Western New York
133 South Fitzhugh St.?Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 546-7029
Fax (585) 546-4788

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Cary News | Writers conference coming to Cary

Published: Oct 13, 2012 06:00 PM
Modified: Oct 09, 2012 03:56 PM

There?s no doubt about it: North Carolina seems to have more than its fair share of writers. Ed Southern, executive director of the North Carolina Writers? Network, cites writer Lee Smith: ?You can?t spit in North Carolina without hitting a writer.?And Wake County has the most concentrated volume of writers in the state, Southern said. Southern, his staff and volunteers will host the NCWN Fall Conference in Cary the weekend of Nov. 2-4 at Embassy Suites. Writer Edith Pearlman, recipient of the 2011 PEN/Malamud Award for excellence in the art of short fiction, will give the keynote address. Peter Holsapple of Raleigh-based band The dB?s will provide entertainment on Saturday evening.The Fall Conference is just one of the projects that consumes Southern?s time; he writes and also works with other writers. He has worked for a major bookselling chain and as sales director for a publishing house. Southern has also published four books: ?The Jamestown Adventure?, ?Parlous Angels?, ?Sports in the Carolinas? and ?Voices of the American Revolution in the Carolinas.? Q: Why do you think so many writers decide to live and work in North Carolina?The writing community in North Carolina is very diverse; there are all sorts of voices being heard. I?m surprised by how many quality agents and editors there are who live in North Carolina and also how many come down from New York to visit. But the biggest thing about North Carolina writers is that we are a community. Writers here are supportive and generous, and we welcome new writers into our community. Q: What do writers get out of belonging to an organization like NCWN?Writers gain a sense of community, the sense that you are not alone. Writing can be a very isolating pursuit; you are by yourself, living in your own head. Almost all writers go through the process of trying to get published and facing rejection. The best thing we can do is to give writers encouragement and inspiration.One of our goals is to help you help yourself. We have a variety of resources and lists of agents and editors looking for new work. We keep lists of writing groups that are looking for new members. We have a literary calendar and post job opportunities for writers. We help writers find ways to promote their own work. Q: Does NCWN have anything new in the works for writers?We are working on starting writing workshops for returning veterans. We are working with Methodist University in Fayetteville to help people who may not have thought of themselves as writers. We want to host introductory writing workshops because most of us in NCWN believe that writing is fun and a worthwhile activity.


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Jesse Jackson Jr. faces federal investigation

Charles Rex Arbogast / AP

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. in 2011.

By Michael Isikoff, NBC News national investigative correspondent

Federal prosecutors and FBI agents in Washington have launched a new criminal investigation of Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. involving alleged financial improprieties, including possible misuse of funds monitored by Congress, law enforcement sources tell NBC News.

The probe prompted lawyers for Jackson ??who has been on a leave of absence from Congress since June for medical treatment ??to meet with federal prosecutors this week in an attempt to persuade them not to bring charges against the congressman, sources said.

The sources said it was unclear whether Jackson, who has not been seen in his office for months, would be charged before the November election ??a subject that was discussed between Jackson?s lawyers and the prosecutors this week. Jackson?s lawyers urged the prosecutors not to file charges before the election ? but prosecutors refused to make any commitments, the sources familiar with the meeting said.

Either way, the new investigation could ratchet up pressure for Jackson to step aside. Despite his illness ??which his office has said involves his treatment for bipolar disorder ??Jackson is running for re-election, seeking a 10th term. His lawyers did not return email and phone call request for comment.

Frank Watkins, Jackson?s congressional spokesman,?says he has not reached out Jackson and has not spoken to him about the investigation, and that the first he heard of the investigation was when he was contacted by the Chicago Sun Times, which first reported the story. He said he believes Jackson is still in DC.

View's complete coverage of?Jackson?investigation

The sources, confirming the ?account in the Sun-Times, said the new probe is being run out of the U.S. attorney's office in Washington DC. They said it is unrelated to previous allegations that Jackson was part of a scheme to persuade ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich? to name him to the Illinois Senate seat of Barack Obama in exchange for $1 million in campaign contributions from a top fundraiser.

The sources did not specify the financial irregularities being investigated. But the Sun-Times said the case involves misuse of funds or an account monitored by Congress. ?It comes weeks after a report that Jackson and his wife, Chicago alderwoman Sandi Jackson, put their Washington DC home on the market for $2.5 million. A campaign spokesman said at first the home was put on the market to pay for medical bills, but the Jackson later took it off the market.?

Jackson, the son of civil rights leader Jesse Jackson Sr.,?stopped working June 10, his staffers revealed two weeks later. He first obtained treatment at a facility in Arizona before transferring to the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., where doctors said he had "depression and gastrointestinal issues."

He left the Mayo Clinic and went back to Washington, D.C. in early September but has not returned to work.?

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