Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time Management and Working to Succeed | Self improvement tips ...

Time management is the process of working to succeed. When you are working to succeed, you are reaching your goals. Another way to look it is the popular phrase ?begin with the end in mind.? Sometimes it is difficult when times are constantly changing and problems get in you way, so it is important to decide which plan works for you as well as understanding that life has its ups and downs. It is also important to honestly evaluate your current situation and then decide in which direction you wish to move.

When you are planning to reach goals, sit down and really ponder on what is needed to reach your goal. Write down your goal and then write down the very next thing that you could do to take action towards that goal. By knowing what your very next step is going to be, you will be amazed at how many things can get done and move you forward on your path to success.

There are different ways to approach time management and goal setting. Some prefer to set short-term goals, reach that goal and then go for a long-term goal. Others prefer to set short and long-term goals in the same time management system in an effort to reach both goals accordingly. One of the best tools provided to me in time management or rather business planning, is role-playing. Set your goals and then

play out parts in your head and create strategies for how you would like to see the plan carried out and also think of contingencies for how the steps might change along the way. This works better for some people than others, so try it out and at least make it a tool for your ?toolbox of time management techniques.? This time management technique can also help you keep grounded in reality by practicing how you react to situations and to develop a more proactive approach in your habits.

When working to succeed, your success is something that you alone measure. How you view success will affect how you react to others and situations. After all, how we view the world is a reflection of how we view ourselves. No one is born a successful leader, a sales person, an athlete or an engineer. These things require training and development of skills and habits. Your path to success will be the same so keep your eye on the goal, make sure it?s the right goal and use effective management of your time to clear your path to success.

Dave Saunders is a professional lecturer, and successful entrepreneur. He enjoys creating interconnections through his writings and lectures to help others create context and see new discoveries and technologies in more a practical light. You can find more time management at

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