Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living Peaceful, Abundant, Healthy Lifestyles: The story of the ...

The old colonialist regime is Asia is falling apart fast and hysterical efforts to fan ?territorial disputes,? will not save it. This can be seen in a flood of new revelations coming from the new regime in North Korea as well as in signals being put out by the new government scheduled to take power in China in November.
The latest revelation from North Korea is the stuff of fairy tales. Yokota Megumi, the 13-year old girl spirited away from Japan in 1977 is a member of the Japanese imperial family, according to multiple Japanese, North Korean and Chinese sources. She was taken to be married to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in order to give the Kim dynasty imperial legitimacy. Her son, new North Korean leader Kim Jon-un, is now suggesting Yokota be given the title of ?Empress Dowager.?
The North Koreans are saying they are representatives of the old imperial Japanese regime that was pushing for a greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere during World War 2.
The Chinese for their part, are also preparing for a ?paradigm shift,? in power that will be preceded by a major purge of banks and industrial conglomerates linked to the old regime.
First, let us look at the latest North Korean revelations as revealed by multiple sources including a retired senior North Korean yakuza boss in Japan.
The story goes back, as we have previously written, to the end of World War 2 when remnants of the Japanese imperial army in China set up the nation of North Korea.
After the war, they resumed their contacts with their Nazi allies who had now set up the Odessa underground.
The Nazis, operating through the CIA, allied themselves with remnants of the former Japanese military regime in North Korea to set up a secret ?anti-communist? control grid in Japan after the war.
The Nazis, for their part, were still trying to establish their 1000 year New World Order 4th Reich while their Asian allies were still fighting to set up the Asian co-prosperity sphere: same bed, same enemies, different dreams.
During the Vietnam war the North Koreans sent special forces to Vietnam to fight against the West. When any of these troops were captured most of them committed suicide by using cyanide capsules but some survived, according to a Japanese agent who questioned them. The survivors, under questioning, said they were in Vietnam fighting on behalf of the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere.
It was also during this time the North Koreans began kidnapping Japanese to recruit as agents, according to the North Korean yakuza boss and multiple other sources. Japanese author Mishima Yukio was at this time shown a video of the Ishikawa Prefecture (the closest part of Japan to North Korea) Police cooperating with the North Koreans in the kidnapping of Japanese citizens.
An enraged Mishima showed the video to then Chief Cabinet Secretary Horii Shigeru and Ishihara Shintaro (now governor of Tokyo). Horii took no action and Ishihara said ?I will pretend I did not see that video,? according to the sources. Disgust at this reaction was one of the reasons for Mishima?s public suicide by Hara Kiri at the Japan self-Defense Force headquarters.
After the cold-war ended, a US defector to North Korea by the name of Charles Jenkins contacted US authorities and said he wanted to surrender and be granted immunity in exchange for revealing the North Korean spy network in Japan.
This marked the beginning of the anti-North Korean kidnapping hysteria in Japan that culminated in a trip by then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to North Korea to repatriate some kidnapping victims. Koizumi brought with him a 1.4 trillion yen bribe as a gift to North Korea at the time to pay for the return of the kidnappees.
The head of the Aozora bank, Tadashi Honma, (here is a link to a censored version of a story I had on Forbes about some of this:
was killed in a murder made to look like a suicide in order to prevent him from objecting to his bank?s funds being used for this purpose. He was forced to write a will at gun point and was then injected with sleeping drugs before being strangled to death, according to a senior member of the gang that carried out the hit.
In any case, the US Nazi authorities, terrified of losing their secret North Korean control grid in Japan, offered the North Koreans a regular supply of high quality forged ?super K? (and similar) US dollar bills as well as an Asian amphetamines monopoly in exchange for a promise they would continue acting as the ?bad guys.? They also provided them with nuclear weapons and missile technology as a part of the package, according to multiple sources.
However, the Kim Jong-un regime is tired of being the Asian boogey man for Nazis and other Western fascist groups. That is why they have begun revealing many of their secrets such as the true story of Yokota Megumi.
Yokota has been reluctant to reveal herself in the past because the fact was she preferred the life of Empress of North Korea to the dull middle class life that would have awaited her in Japan. Now, however, she has gone to meet her parents in Japan and reveal her true situation. This is being widely reported on the internet in Japan but the fascist control grid on the newspapers and TV is still keeping these new revelations under wraps. This information embargo will be broken soon.
The remnants of the Nazi puppet regime in Japan are terrified of the world at large learning about their criminal activities, including the Sarin subway gas poisoning attacks and the March 11, 2011 Nuclear and Tsunami mass murder.
For that reason two of the major North Korean agencies in Japan, the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist Sect and the North Korean Citizens Association of Japan are being actively blackmailed by Nazi puppet police agents.
In specific, they are being threatened with prosecution over a 15 billion yen slush fund of money taken from fraudulent welfare receipts and managed at 5% a year interest on their behalf by Mizuho Bank, according to the yakuza boss and other sources.
In a further sign of hysteria, the Nazis recently took a bunch of dupes and agents from Hong Kong and had them land near a secret US missile base on the disputed Senkakau (Diaoyu) islands to raise a Chinese flag. According to Chinese government sources these agents were all bribed to visit the Islands and were surprised they had been allowed to land there. It is difficult to imagine unarmed Chinese agents arriving on a fishing boat to be allowed to land near a secretive US missile base without US permission. Later of course, Japanese dupes were brought to the Islands as ?retaliation.?
This show aimed at provoking jingoist sentiment in the region is really just a sign of moral bankruptcy by the Nazi regime that seized power in the US.
Another agent, the puppet president Lee Myung-bak of South Korea also cooperated in the latest foolishness by provoking nationalist sentiment over another small batch of disputed rocks lying in between Japan and South Korea.
Of course, all of these maneuvers are being interpreted as nothing more than signs of desperation and moral bankruptcy on the part of the old regime.
The new Chinese government to be headed by Xi Jinping has already begun preparations for big changes in Asia this fall. The recent slowdown in the Chinese economy, for example, is linked to a purge against banks and industrial enterprises that ?got too independent? from the Chinese government during the last regime.
There is also a major anti-corruption campaign being prepared for the arrival of the new regime. One example is the masses of empty greenhouses set up near Beijing for the sole purpose of collecting government subsidies, the Chinese source says.
In any case, the White Dragon Society has proposed to the Asians and their BRICs and non-aligned movement allies that the time has come to make a decisive move. One recommendation has been for these nations to offer to buy up all existing US dollars (except those linked to derivatives and other fraud) and replace them with a new ?world dollar or yuan.? After a certain period, all of the members of the 150-nation anti-imperialist alliance would then refuse to accept old dollars issued by the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.
In Japan as well a decisive move against the old regime will be made but we cannot divulge any of the details at this time.
The regime changes due this autumn in the US, China and Japan will provide a wonderful opportunity to deal a decisive blow to the genocidal Nazi cabal.
The people of the world are tired of thugs and criminals provoking wars and mayhem and spreading lies aimed at causing trouble and discord amongst peoples. The time has come to demand that these thugs cease their anti-social behavior and rejoin civilization. We want world peace followed by a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and create an ideal planet. After this, the research money spent on war and mass murder will be dedicated to health, improved life, increases in bio-diversity and peaceful expansion into the universe.


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