Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Stray Dog Wedding | Dee Galloway Dances With Words

Wedding #2 for the?long-time celibate lesbian who doesn?t believe in marriage!

Anne & Joe
Photo: Imanni Woods

Anne and Joe are members of Stray Dog, a popular bluegrass/folk band in Denver. You can hear them in a number of bars around town, and they?ve acquired a loyal following. Anne has one of the sweetest, clearest folk voices I?ve ever heard. Joe is a multi-talented musician who plays guitar, stand-up bass, and dobro in the band. They both also perform with me in?Southern Journey: Tribute to Alan Lomax, a folk/roots music ensemble. ?Anne and Joe started out as housemates, and lived happily and platonic lives together for a years, enjoying their shared love for music and dogs. They each told me (separately) that just it seems like they woke up one day and realized that they were more than friends. I understand that the clarifying conversation was quite awkward at first, since neither of them wanted to?jeopardize?the existing relationship by muddying the waters with love and sex.?Obviously, they managed to get through the conversation and make a successful adjustment to the nature of their relationship.

Sweet Petite Anne

Dobro Joe

Because their non-working lives are filled with music and performing, it isn?t surprising that they?ve asked practically every local performer they know to participate in their wedding. They picked the songs they want us to perform before and during the wedding, and of course, at the reception. It?s a vast and?eclectic?mix of bluegrass, folk, blues, jazz, and R&B, and we all can hardly wait to celebrate Anne and Joe?s?nuptials?at the end of the month.

Since theirs is a ?traditional marriage,? there is no controversy for Anne and Joe. But as long time LGBT allies, they were appalled and angered to hear about Dave and Charlie?s experience, sending a message of protest to the cake shop, and messages of support to the boys, and plan to visit their registry and pick out a lovely wedding gift ~ as soon as they get through their own wedding.

No, I haven?t changed my opinion that marriage is an outdated institution that has little or no meaning in our society. But I do believe in the love and commitment of my dear friends, so I?ll be there to support them and their relationships before, during, and after their weddings.



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